Your donations are helping Rescue French Bulldogs! Thank you so much!
Your donations help with...
Food - puppy or dog food, canned or dry food, high calorie dietary supplements, wheat germ oil, salmon oil, plain yogurt, daily probiotic, training treats, teeth cleaning treats, ground beef, eggs, and vitamins.
Medical - vaccinations, deworming, ear solution, eye drops, flea & tick medicine, heartworm medicine, rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, antibiotics
Grooming - oatmeal shampoo, towel, brushes, waterless shampoo, cotton balls, q-tips, nail clippers, hair clippers, hair medication, skin medication
Foster Care - bottle feeding, feeding, grooming, socialization, training
Transportation - veterinarian, socialization, training, events
Education - health research, consultations, educational materials
Re-Family Processing - forms, administration, certificates, permits, licensing, re-family fee is via zelle only.
*All animals at RFB are surrendered anonymously, health checked by certified veterinarian before final step of our re-family process.
Please DONATE:
#rescuefrenchbulldogs #frenchbulldogrescue #frenchbulldog #frenchton #frenchiemix #rescue #adopt #donate #nonprofit #501c3
I Love him
Hello our family would love to adopt if possible a pup Frenchie if you come across one so we can keep him in our family since baby for years to come. My email is please let me know how we can sign up to adopt. Thank you.